David Forbes - Consultant, UMKC-Institute for Human Development
Keynote Speaker, Round Table Host and Presenter
David lives in Springfield, Missouri where he has been a consultant with UMKC-IHD and the LifeCourse Nexus since 2020. He has been training in Charting the LifeCourse Tools for more than eight years and is now a “No Wrong Door” and “Person-Centered” Planning Ambassador for Charting the LifeCourse. David also worked for Missouri Division of Developmental Disabilities as an Advocacy Specialist for eight years. He is currently a member of People First of Missouri, Springfield Chapter. David was the first recipient of the Charting LifeCourse Showcase award for “Self-Advocacy Network Innovations.”
Keynote Description - Planning for a Good Life:
Charting the LifeCourse is designed to be used for your own life, for your family members, or in the work you do. The framework and tools will help you organize your ideas, vision, and goals, as well as problem-solve, navigate, and advocate for supports. Susan and David will discuss how to use the tools and framework to plan for your own good life and the lives of others.
Presentation Description - Intro to Charting the LifeCourse:
Charting My LifeCourse introduces self-advocates to the Building Blocks of the Charting the LifeCourse (CtLC) framework and exploring your goals and vision for a Good Life. Includes a Certificate of Completion. Join David and Susan as they facilitate the Charting My LifeCourse training with session attendees and learn how to bring this training to your own community.