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Our Mission


The Mission of the Adair County SB40 is to engage in ADVOCACY, promote INCLUSION, and provide essential RESOURCES to assist people with developmental disabilities to live self-determined lives.

DD Resource Center:  Service Coordination

The Adair County SB40 service coordinators work with individuals in Adair, Putnam, Schuyler, Scotland, and Sullivan Counties to develop comprehensive person-centered support plans which outline steps and access resources necessary to achieve each person's own unique life goals. Please see information under Service Coordination for more details.


Not-for-profit organizations located in Adair county, and residents of Adair, Putnam Schuyler, Scotland, and Sullivan Counties who have developmental disabilities and qualify for services, may request funding through the Adair County SB40 for disability-related programs and needs. Please see specific policies under Funding tab.


Community Learning Center
The Community Learning Center focuses on offering programs to help individuals increase their independence and knowledge as well as providing social and recreational opportunities.  Please click the Community Learning Center tab for more information.

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Adair County SB40 Developmental Disability Board Announces February's Spotlight Award Winner!

Adair County SB40 has awarded Cristal Peterson, with the support of Learning Opportunities Quality Works, the February 2025 Community Partnership Spotlight Award for her amazing work with a man named Billy in our community. Billy was recently homeless and without any natural or family support, and it took a combination of Cristal’s great work, SB40’s advocacy and resources, as well as our amazing community, coming together to collaborate and support him to find the resources needed to finally find stable housing as well as move him towards providing for himself through his amazing artistry (see pics below as samples of Billy’s amazing work), and looking into other employment opportunities as well.


Cristal is currently an Admin Assistant with Learning Opportunities, where she has worked for years. She is a wife and mother of two, Elana and Vivian, and per her supervisor, Mark Wouters, Cristal has been an awesome staff and has worked for LOQW for 8 ½ years, the first 5 of those as a Direct Support Professional. She has a huge heart and has supported people with disabilities with a variety of skills helping them increase their independence, including assisting some in applying for college, setting up and managing their MO ABLE accounts, as well as helping complete paperwork related to benefits, housing, etc.


Cristal and LOQW were nominated for this award by Service Coordinator, Andy Magruder, who has also worked tirelessly to link Billy to resources in our community. Magruder stated in his nomination: “Cristal, Mark, William, and the rest of the staff at LOQW have been instrumental in assisting and supporting one of our homeless individuals in the community. They have supported him with finding a home, applying for social service benefits, assisting at Vocational Rehabilitation to find a job, advocating at medical appointments, providing transportation to medical appointments, and helping with resolving all issues that have come up.  They have also helped at a moment’s notice on numerous occasions and Adair County SB40 is so thankful to have them as a community partner. We would like to nominate them for a Community Partnership Award and are so thankful for their hard work and dedication to serving our people.”


Sean Jacob, Executive Director of Adair County SB40, enthusiastically agreed with the nomination. “Cristal has gone way above and beyond with her work and advocacy for this person, whose needs are significant, and we shudder to think of where he would be today if not for all the ones who worked together for his good. I want to give a shoutout and thank you to all the financial aid and other support assistance given to this person from our community, which included Cristal and LOQW, Life Church, Cornerstone Church, Grace Community Bible Church, Mary Immaculate Catholic Church, Community Action Agency, Future Business Leaders of America at the Kirksville Schools did a fundraiser, Dr. Julie Lochbaum, Adair SB40, among others. Also want to thank Days Inn, who gave some excellent rates to help while housing options were being explored. The community came together for this man, and Billy is extremely grateful.”


If you would like to nominate a great candidate for a monthly Spotlight Award, Adair County SB40 accepts nominations. Anyone can make a nomination. Nominations can be made in any of the four following categories:

· Kids Inclusion Spotlight Award for children in

  kindergarten - 8th grade

· Youth Leadership Spotlight Award for youth in grades


· Community Volunteer/Partner Spotlight Award (any


· Entrepreneur or Employee Spotlight Award (any age)


In March 2025, all monthly Spotlight Award winners will be recognized at the annual awards banquet. Nominations can be made throughout the year by visiting the Adair County SB40 website or by contacting a SB40 staff member to assist you at (660) 665 - 9400. You can also find more information about the four nomination categories by visiting Adair County SB40’s website,

Pictured left to right: William McCoy, Cristal Peterson, Mark Wouters 
Pictured left to right: Andy Magruder, Billy Garret, Mark Wouters, William McCoy
Artwork by Billy Garret
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