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Krista Magers

Service Coordinator

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Krista began working at Adair County SB40 on September 1, 2010 as one of the first Service Coordinators on the Targeted Case Management Team. Krista holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Criminal Justice and has her Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice Administration. She began working in the special education field in 1997 through the Learning Opportunities summer program. Krista then went to work for Kirksville R-III School District in the Special Education Department. While working for the school district, she was able to observe how several students had multiple behaviors that included juvenile delinquency. This influenced her to begin working at Preferred Family Healthcare in Adolescent Substance Abuse. Krista then went to work as the School Juvenile Officer, Community Service Coordinator and Restitution Supervisor. She loves working with at-risk individuals and her job at Adair County SB40 has allowed her to continue to work with individuals and families and the community agencies that provide wrap-around services to them.

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